Birth Control – GyneFix®
Every woman is different – and so is her uterine cavity!
The shape and size of the uterine cavity is different in every woman. Compared to conventional IUDs, the advantage of the GyneFix® copper IUD is that it does not require a plastic piece. Less flexible, conventional IUDs only available in one size quite often cause disharmony. The shape and size of the uterus simply do not match the size of the IUD. This incompatibility can cause uterine cramping and abnormal bleeding.
The GyneFix® copper IUD is extremely small. Since it is anchored to the top end of the uterus, it hangs freely and adapts to the individual shape and size of the uterus.
The small size ensures the GyneFix® copper IUD takes up only a little space inside the uterus. This makes the GyneFix® copper IUD very tolerable and an ideal contraceptive, particularly for young women with a small uterus and for those who have not yet had children.
How does the GyneFix® copper IUD work?
Copper deactivates sperm. The GyneFix® copper IUD continuously releases copper ions which immobilise the sperm, preventing fertilisation of the ovum. It further prevents the ovum from implanting. This dual effect makes the GyneFix® particularly reliable.
The hormone-free effect keeps the cycle and natural processes of the female body in balance. Removing the GyneFix® then restores fertility and the woman can immediately become pregnant.
How reliable is the GyneFix® copper IUD?
The GyneFix® copper IUD has a Pearl Index of 0.1 – 0.5. Statistically, this means that out of 100 women using the GyneFix® as a contraceptive for one year, 0.1 – 0.5 will become pregnant.
Advantages of the GyneFix® copper IUD:
- very reliable
- effective for 5 years
- well tolerated with side effects rarely occurring
- small and flexible
- very comfortable
- GyneFix® 200 does not cause heavier bleeding
- suitable for women of any age, including young women with a small uterus
- easy to insert and remove
- no synthetic hormones affecting the cycle
- fertility restored immediately after removal
- relatively inexpensive in relation to how long it can remain inserted
Side effects of GyneFix®:
- spotting in the first few days following insertion
- menstruation can be heavier for the first few cycles after insertion, which will typically return to normal after a few months
- GyneFix® does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases
- when frequently changing sexual partners, you should also use a condom to protect against diseases.
Who can use GyneFix®?
Girls and young women
Girls and young women often choose GyneFix® as a contraceptive, as the copper chain is small and well tolerated. It does not cause side effects such as cravings, weight gain, headaches, loss of sexual desire or mood swings. It’s slogan is, “insert and forget about it”. It’s more effective than birth control pills since you can’t forget to take it. Clinical studies have shown that this implanted contraceptive is very effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy. For women under 20, the insurance company often covers the cost of the GyneFix®. This should be clarified in advance.
Women interested in a non-hormonal contraceptive
GyneFix® is particularly appealing to women interested in a hormone-free contraceptive, either because they don’t want to take synthetic hormones or due to the side effects they experience from hormonal contraceptives. Often times medical conditions such as migraines, obesity, thrombosis, a family history of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, Crohn’s disease, etc. which can be adversely affected by taking hormones can be the catalyst for a switch to hormone-free contraceptives. In addition, since it is hormone-free, GyneFix® is also well suited to smokers.
After giving birth, young mothers are once again faced with the choice of which contraceptive to use. Many want to forego hormones during this stage in their life, firstly because they wish to have another child relatively soon and secondly because nursing mothers fear that hormones may be passed on to the baby through breast milk. Since it is hormone-free, GyneFix® meets these demands. The natural cycle is not disrupted and the woman is fertile again and can become pregnant as soon as it is removed. GyneFix® can be used in women who are not nursing starting from 8 weeks post-partum and in nursing mothers or following a C-section from the 13th week post-partum.
An alternative to sterilisation
GyneFix® is also an alternative to non-reversible tubal ligation. According to studies, 50% of couples over 40 years of age choose to have one of the partners sterilised as a form of contraceptive. This is a surgery which could be avoided. Furthermore, restoring fertility after having this type of procedure is very difficult.
As an emergency contraceptive
When they hear the term “emergency contraceptive”, most women think of the morning after pill. After a contraceptive fails, inserting the GyneFix® copper IUD can be as beneficial as an emergency contraceptive. Whilst the morning after pill prevents, shifts or suppresses ovulation, GyneFix® even prevents unwanted pregnancy after possible fertilisation of the egg by preventing the egg from implanting in the uterus. This is very effective in preventing an unwanted pregnancy and the woman using the GyneFix® copper IUD will then have a long-term, reliable contraceptive for five years. This then makes failed contraceptives a thing of the past for the time being. For use as an emergency contraceptive, the GyneFix® copper IUD should be inserted within 5 days after unprotected intercourse.
Who is GyneFix® not suitable for?
- women with a congenital deformity of the uterus
- women with a history of salpingitis
- women with a copper storage disease
Are you interested in GyneFix®? Contact us!
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